DeMystifying & DeStigmatizing
Grief & Trauma Healing
Claire M. Schwartz
BA, Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Counselor,
Certified Professional Coach, Grief & Trauma Healing Expert, Interfaith Minister

Grief & Trauma may begin your story...
but they are not the end of your story!
Hope & Healing
Relief & Resilience
Peace in Your Spirit
I can help you write the next chapter.
Because we believe
the wrong things.
Because we are told
the wrong things
Because our culture teaches
the wrong things....
You may believe that you are stuck forever....
But you are not....
​The goal is not to Get Over Your Grief & Trauma.
The goal is rebuilding into a new wholeness.
I am here to help you orchestrate
your personal healing journey.
Hi, there – I’m Claire Schwartz, and I’ve been where you are.
I come from a broken place I call The Dark Ugly™,
a place I was told I was not supposed to find a way out of.
But I did - I dug deep, leaned into my healing, and got support.
Now it is my passion to support you in finding a much shorter, quicker way out of your grief than the 20+- year road I took.
Why is a Grief & Trauma Coach necessary?
To walk this path with someone who has been there before is essential. I struggled after the loss of my mother, and all the traumas I experienced, to find someone who truly could connect to and understand what I was feeling – to not judge or preach – and to be compassionate. Now my experience, and more than 15 years as a healer and coach, can provide guidance, insight and companionship to your healing path.
Well-meaning family and friends may not be the best resources to support you – they may have their own issues to work through, they may cope in ways that are vastly different than yours, or they may not be able to reach out at all.
Now you have a professional who is to be your advocate, mentor and cheerleader.
Loss Changes Us – we are all shaped by the losses, traumas, slings and arrows that Life throws at us. But they are not who we are.... it is never too late to plan the next phase of your life.
Start today – don’t waste another minute in suffering.
First Steps
CLICK HERE for access to my schedule or contact me to make any other arrangements.
I have fully online opportunities for Grief & Trauma Healing, Life Mentoring, specific workshops and much more.
We are mighty and we are many ~ never doubt that!
- We start with a Free 1/2 Hour Empowerment Call, to get to know one another and start the process. Then we can decide on how best to move you forward.
- For a full day devoted only to you and your healing, explore the details on my VIP Solace Intensive Day. Jump-start your healing journey with an focused burst of intention, clarity and support.
- Take a deep dive into my Fearless Grieving to Fearless Living program - a 3-month, hands-on, personal and compassionate process, including online access to my online coaching portal, journaling, regular feedback and inspiration.
- I also provide Organizational Support for companies, groups and nonprofits to consult on creating and expanding employee mental health programs in the critical areas of Grief & Trauma - protecting staff, widening reputations, and raising profiles of forward-thinking organizations.
- For all the ways we can work together, do reach out.
Schedule an appointment right away, you can click right through to my schedule HERE - for a greater list of appointment times, just email me.
​Use the powerful instrument of Grief & Trauma Coaching to guide you
– you are never alone.
"You may not control all the events that happen to you,
but you can decide not to be reduced by them."
Dr. Maya Angelou
Be prepared to go there with Claire as you uncover and discover what hurts, what sucks, but most importantly, what’s possible.
- Mimi: client & PhD candidate
Claire shone like a beacon, carefully and compassionately leading me back to a place of great strength and healing. Even when the work was heartbreaking and daunting, Claire stood with me in my overwhelming sadness and never let me feel alone.
- Jen J., attorney
Claire has changed my life in so many ways - she listens intently and never makes me feel judged.
- DK, teacher
Claire's coaching gave me the courage to face my mother's passing and eased my grief so I could move forward. I will always be grateful.
- Paul S., businessman
I used to feel like tamped-down heavy soil - now I have gone digging, loosened up the dirt clods and can breathe again. Claire's deep insight and compassion have helped me find new ways of approaching healing and lightened my heart.
- A. Scott, educator